NDIS Personal Care Melbourne

Flexible support to help you live life at home, on your own terms

Bulk-billed GP

Registered NDIS Provider

Group 3

Home Personal Care Assistance in Melbourne

Depending on your needs, personal care can mean a lot of different things.

For some NDIS participants, all that’s required is having a personal care assistant a few times a week to help attend appointments or access the community. While for others, personal care assistance with tasks such as bathing, toileting and meals is a daily occurrence.

Whatever your needs, the skilled team of personal care workers at SeenCare can help you live independently and thrive in the community.

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What is Personal Care?

Personal care can involve direct assistance and/or supervision of various personal tasks related to daily life.

While many people only think of personal care assistance as happening in the home, it can also be provided in various other settings.

Examples of non-home environments where personal care may be required include:

  • Social activities
  • Education and training
  • Holidays
  • Attending appointments
  • Employment and volunteering
  • Recreational activities, like playing sports

In general, if a disability support worker is helping you with personal activities like bathing and showering, or moving around your home or the community, they are providing personal care assistance.

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What is Included in NDIS Personal Care Services?

The duties of a personal care worker might involve several different categories of tasks, such as:.

Personal Hygiene

A personal care attendant can help with various aspects of personal hygiene, such as:

  • Bathing and showering
  • Teeth bruising, shaving and oral care
  • Getting dressed and applying makeup


Aspects of toileting personal care services can assist with include:

  • Getting on and off the toilet
  • Managing continence products, like catheters or pads
  • Cleaning your body and/or the toilet area as required

Assistance with Meals

Eating and drinking are activities many people require assistance with. A personal care worker can:

  • Help prepare and set up meals
  • Assist with and supervise drinking fluids
  • Provide support with meals when out and about

Community Access

Help to access the community is an often overlooked aspect of personal care. Eligible NDIS participants can get funding for:

  • A disability support worker to accompany you on outings
  • Help with organising and getting to appointments
  • Support with mobility while you access the community

Using Aids and Appliances

Sometimes you might need support to use assistive technology. Examples of such support include:

  • Help setting up a shower chair or commode
  • Assistance getting walking aids in and out of a car
  • Support to put on and remove a prosthesis


The level of personal care support provided for mobility can vary substantially between people. It may involve:

  • Supervision of and practical help with transfers
  • Standby support when walking to boost confidence
  • Hands-on assistance with wheelchairs or other mobility aids

Health-Related Activities

NDIS personal care providers can help people with disability perform various health-related activities, such as:

  • Basic foot care for people with diabetes
  • Supervision when taking medications
  • Practical and emotional support with physical activity

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Personal Support for People with Disabilities

If you are living with a disability that prevents you from undertaking certain personal care tasks independently, you can ask the NDIS for funding to purchase supports.

When evaluating your application for personal care assistance, the NDIS will consider:

  • Whether the support will maximise your independence and functional skills
  • If alternative arrangements could better meet your needs
  • If personal care will help you pursue the overall goals of your NDIS Plan

If approved for funding for personal care assistance, you can then approach an NDIS provider agency like SeenCare to hire a personal care worker.

Why Choose SeenCare NDIS Service Provider?

At SeenCare, we specialise in providing NDIS services like personal care, in-home nursing and overnight care to NDIS participants in Melbourne with coexisting disability and medical needs.

Our team is made up of experienced disability support workers, personal care assistants, nurses and bulk billing GPs. And we all work together to help NDIS participants live independent, self-directed lives in the community.

We’re a fully registered NDIS provider with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. So, when you choose SeenCare as your personal care provider in Melbourne, you can be assured we will:

  • Match you with a personal care assistant who is a good fit for your personality, communication style and preferences
  • Deliver all personal care services with dignity, respect and professionalism
  • Provide collaborative, person-centred care, to help you achieve your goals and maximise your health and well-being

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