Registered NDIS Provider in Melbourne

we support NDIS

Melbourne’s first doctor and nurse led registered NDIS provider

Group 3

Bridging the Gap Between Disability and Healthcare

At SeenCare, we’re on a mission to change how supports are delivered to NDIS participant’s with high medical needs.

Our unique model of integrated care is made possible by our team of experienced disability support workers, who work hand-in-hand with our home nurses and bulk-billing GPs.

As one of the leading registered NDIS providers in Melbourne, the SeenCare team has extensive experience in the disability and healthcare sectors. This means we can ensure that participants with complex needs get access to all the supports needed to live independently and thrive in the community.

NDIS Services We Offer

At SeenCare, we see each person with disability as a unique individual, with their own story, challenges and dreams. That’s why we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and goals. As a trusted and registered NDIS provider in Melbourne, we offer a range of NDIS support services. We cater to a variety of needs, with particular expertise in working with people with co-occurring disability and medical needs.

  • Disability Support Workers

    Disability support workers are at the heart of everything we do at SeenCare. Because they receive extensive training and are part of a multidisciplinary team, our support workers can assist with more complex health-related matters in addition to general daily supports.

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  • Home Nursing

    SeenCare takes the stress and hassle out of nursing care at home for NDIS participants. Our nurses work in close partnership with participants and the rest of the team. This results in truly integrated medical and disability care that improve health, well-being and independence.

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  • Bulk-billed GP

    Getting regular input from a GP is an essential part of managing health issues in the community. That's why we give all SeenCare NDIS clients the option of utilising our bulk-billing GP service. Clients are welcome to use our no-cost GP service regularly or as needed.

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  • SIL

    Our multi-skilled team provides high level in-home supports for participants with complex and unique needs. We have our own SIL homes and can also partner with general and specialist disability accommodation (SDA) providers to deliver our unique model of care.

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Why People Prefer SeenCare?

Because our team includes ‘in house’ home nurses and bulk billing GPs, SeenCare can deliver a level of support for NDIS participants with medical needs that few providers can match. All of our staff undergo extensive orientation, background checks and training. We’re also a registered NDIS provider with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. So when you choose SeenCare, you can be confident in receiving safe and high quality services.

Collaborative Approach

Our support workers, nurses and doctors work in close partnership, leveraging their combined experience of over 54 years in the disability and healthcare sectors. We believe that our role is to collaborate with participants to help individuals create their own unique version of independent community living.

Continuity of

SeenCare ensures continuity of care by combining bulk-billed GP support, home nursing and disability support services. This integrated approach enables us to provide truly person-centred care. If a participant desires, we can often meet all of their care needs under our umbrella of services.

Complex Care Expert

We’re not the right provider for everyone. But for NDIS participants with complex disability and healthcare needs—few providers can match our standard of care. Our team has expertise in supporting participants with a wide range of disabilities and medical conditions. Plus, we can create individualised packages of care for rare conditions and unique situations.

Bulk Billed GP Support

Barriers like limited finances, mobility issues and a lack of available appointments can make it difficult for people with disability to access GP care. That’s why we offer SeenCare clients as needed or regular access to our bulk billing GP service. The use of our GP service is entirely optional and you can still keep your regular GP.

Benefits of Disability Support Services

Disability care services funded by the NDIS can bring a range of benefits for people living with disability. Services such as those provided by SeenCare can:

Promote inclusivity and community participation. People with disability often face barriers in engaging with education, employment, social activities and pursuing interests and hobbies. NDIS supports can help you engage in the community and foster a sense of belonging and achievement.

Empower individuals with disability. Many people worry that getting support will limit freedom and independence—but the opposite is usually true. With a participant-led approach, NDIS services can increase your ability to pursue the things in life that are meaningful to you.

Support family members and carers. Disability care services can be an essential support for family members and carers of NDIS participants. By offering respite care, counselling and education, the team at SeenCare can help people with disability and their loved ones live more harmonious and connected lives.

SeenCare: A Helping Hand to Achieve Your Goals

At SeenCare, we’re dedicated to improving the lives of NDIS participants by providing personalised, goal-oriented support. We operate from a place of collaboration and partnership, giving you choice and control over how your care is delivered. With SeenCare, you can experience how personalised supports from a team of disability and health experts can give you the independence and freedom to pursue your goals.

Contact Us

Our Approach

01 Make an enquiry

Contact us via 03 9110 1014 or to learn more about our services and how we can best help you.

02 Meet & Greet

Arrange a meeting at a convenient location, whether that is in the comfort of your own home or at the SeenCare office.

03 Customised Plan

We will work with you to develop a customised plan and service agreement that outlines the supports and services we will provide, along with the associated costs.

04 Commencement of Services

Once the plan and agreement is finalised, we can begin providing the approved supports and services outlined in your NDIS plan. We work closely with you to ensure your needs are met and your goals are pursued.

05 Ongoing Support

We regularly review your progress and the effectiveness of the supports provided. We can assist with any necessary plan reviews or adjustments to ensure your evolving needs are addressed.

06 Achieving Goals

Our team works in collaboration with you to actively pursue and achieve the goals outlined in your NDIS plan. We provide support and assistance to help you reach your desired outcomes.


  • What is NDIS?

    The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program designed to provide support and funding for people with permanent and significant disabilities, as well as their carers.

    The NDIS provides personalised and individualised support to people with disabilities, with a focus on helping them achieve their goals, live independently, and participate fully in their communities.

  • Who is eligible for NDIS?

    The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is responsible for assessing eligibility for NDIS funding. To be eligible for NDIS funding from providers, certain criteria must be met:

    • Age requirement: Individual should be between 9 and 65 years old. For children under 9, please visit The early childhood approach. Individuals over 65 can consider alternative support options, which are detailed in Support for people who are not eligible.
    • Citizenship or residency status: Be Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a Protected Special Category Visa.
    • Residency: Reside in Australia.
    • Disability: Have a disability or impairment that is likely to be permanent and affects daily living. Disability can be intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory, physical, or psychosocial.
  • What types of supports NDIS cover?

    The NDIS offers various types of supports that it may fund for participants, which include:

    • Assistance with daily personal activities
    • Home modification design and construction services
    • Transport services to facilitate engagement in community, social, economic, and everyday life activities
    • Skilled personnel providing assistance with aids or equipment assessment, setup, and training
    • Provision of mobility equipment
    • Vehicle modifications for improved accessibility
    • Therapeutic supports, including behaviour support
    • Household tasks to help the participant maintain their living environment
    • Support at the workplace to aid a participant in obtaining or retaining employment in either the open or supported labour market
  • What are some supports that are not funded by NDIS?

    The NDIS cannot fund a support that is:

    • Supports that fall under the responsibility of other government systems or community services.
    • Services and supports that are unrelated to a person's disability and not deemed essential for their wellbeing.
    • Day-to-day living costs that are unrelated to the participant's specific support needs
    • Supports that are likely to cause harm to the participant or pose a risk to others, as the NDIS prioritises the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.
  • How do I access the NDIS?

    Individuals seeking NDIS support can receive assistance from various healthcare professionals including a GP, paediatrician, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist, neurologist, psychologist or psychiatrist to provide evidence of their primary disability.

    The treating health professional who has treated you for at least six months is most appropriate to provide evidence of your disability. It is to note that different disabilities may require different types of evidence. For more information please visit Types of disability evidence.

    If you require assistance in gathering the appropriate evidence, the Local Area Coordinators (LAC), early childhood partners and NDIA can provide more support. However, it’s important to know that the person assisting you with the evidence collection cannot determine whether you meet the NDIS eligibility criteria; only the NDIS can make that decision.

  • What kind of NDIS services do you provide?

    As a trusted NDIS provider, we provide a variety of services to participants between the age of 9 to 65 years. All our support services are personalised to your individual needs and provided by qualified support workers and nurses.

    Our NDIS services include:

    • Disability support services
    • Home Nursing
    • Household Tasks
    • Transport Assistance
    • Personal Care
    • Respite Care
    • Overnight Support
    • Community Participation
    • Medication Management

Featured Blogs

  • December 06, 2023

Truly Integrated Disability and Healthcare Supports: The SeenCare Difference

Since the early days of the NDIS rollout, there have been consistent calls for health and disability services to be seen as part of a cohesive whole, rather than separate entities.[…]

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  • March 18, 2024

Improving Health Outcomes for People with Disability

The review, commissioned by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, sought to “obtain an Australia-wide perspective on the prevalence of, and factors contributing to, the deaths of people with disability.”[…]

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  • April 15, 2024

How to Receive SIL NDIS Services in Your Own Home

Supported independent living (SIL) is a type of support that may be available to eligible NDIS participants with higher support needs.

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03 9110 1014