Assistance with Activities of Daily Living

SeenCare provides a wide range of supports under the ‘Assistance with Daily Life’ category

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Assistance with Daily Life NDIS Support

Assistance with daily life is one of the largest and most flexible budgets in most NDIS participants' plans.

It can include funding things like getting ready for your day, cleaning, preparing meals, general household tasks and more.

SeenCare is a specialist registered NDIS provider for participants with high medical needs. Our team of experienced staff delivers the full range of assistance with daily life NDIS support services to people living in Melbourne.

To find out more, keep reading, or contact one of our friendly team members today.

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What is NDIS Assistance with Daily Life?

Funding in NDIS plans can be allocated to three different budgets:

  1. Core Supports
  2. Capacity Building Supports
  3. Capital Supports

Core supports funding is separated into four categories, the first of which is Assistance with Daily Life.

NDIS assistance with daily life funding can be used for exactly what the name suggests—purchasing supports to help with common day-to-day tasks.

This funding is quite flexible. In short, if disability prevents (or makes it difficult) for you to undertake an activity of daily living, you can use your assistance with daily life NDIS funds to get support.

Below are some common NDIS assistance with daily life examples. But remember, every participant’s situation is unique. So if your needs look a little different, that’s ok. You’ll still be able to use your funding to purchase supports that align with your goals, needs and preferences.

Assistance with Daily Living Examples

NDIS assistance with daily life funding can be used to get support with things like:

  • Accessing the community and engaging in social activities: Get a support worker to take you into the community. If required, they can also support you to engage in activities.
  • Personal care, such as showering, grooming and toileting: Whether you just need help setting up or someone to assist with the whole process, assistance with daily life funding can be used for all aspects of personal care.
  • Reminders and support to take medication: A support worker can prompt and assist you to take medication. For more complex healthcare matters, you may also be able to get help from a home nurse.
  • Organising your day and attending appointments: Keeping a calendar, booking appointments and planning out your day are all things daily activities NDIS funding can be used for.
  • After-hours or overnight care from a support worker: SeenCare operates a 24/7 roster. So if you need assistance with daily living in the evenings, after hours or on weekends, we can help.
  • Home nursing care to help manage medical issues: If you have signficant medical needs, there might be times when a nurse is required for certain support tasks. To expand access to this essential service, Nursing Supports have temporarily been duplicated into the Assistance with Daily Life support category in the 2023-24 NDIS Pricing Arrangements (details on p.52).
  • Planning and preparing meals (or costs related to meal delivery): Grocery shopping and cooking are a big part of most people’s weeks. If you struggle in this area, you can get a support worker to assist. You can also use your funding to contribute toward the cost of a meal delivery service.
  • Cleaning, gardening and other household tasks: Daily activity NDIS funding can be used for any tasks related to maintaining a home that you can’t do because of disability.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Needs

Experience More Independence and Freedom

Understandably, some people worry that getting assistance with daily life might restrict their freedom and autonomy.

Fortunately, we find that when daily activities NDIS services are delivered in a flexible, respectful and person-centred way, these issues almost never occur.

In fact, at SeenCare, most of our clients report feeling more independent and free when they use assistance with daily life NDIS supports.

This is because when you access high-quality supports:

  • Medical issues and disability won’t prevent you from getting out and about
  • You no longer need to struggle with time-consuming cleaning and household tasks
  • A support person can help organise your day to ensure the important things all happen
  • You can access the specific care you need to continue living at home

Find Out How We Can Help

Why SeenCare Is Different

At SeenCare, our mission is to help NDIS participants with high medical needs discover new ways of living.

To achieve this goal, we’ve built a unique model of collaborative care involving disability support workers, home nurses and bulk-billing GPs.

This group of experienced and dedicated professionals works together with you, and each other, to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

  • An individually tailored plan to manage health needs your way, at home: Even if you have a chronic disease, rare condition or require ‘high-risk’ medications (like insulin, warfarin or pain medications)—we can deliver individualised, person-centred care.
  • Expert support to improve your health and well-being: We’ll help you improve your health now and in the future. This gives you the best chance of maintaining your preferred living arrangements for as long as possible.
  • Flexibility and choice in how you receive supports: There’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to health and disability supports in the community. We provide digntiy of choice for you to create your own version of independent community living.

Book Assistance with Daily Living Supports Now

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    03 9110 1014